Please visit my website for more info about me, twin flames, the cards, and more. - Samantha

Some people ask me why I read oracle cards since my background religion is Christian and for all intents and purposes that is very much frowned upon. Well, for starters, though I still love much about my Christian background, I simply believe all truth to be god's truth and it is his greatest desire to communicate with us. I see the cards as tools to do just that and I have a gift to see things in them that many people don't. If I can facilitate a conversation between the divine and a lost or confused soul, then it is my deepest honor to do so.

My spiritual gifts are god given and I use them prayerfully, in the ways I'm directed, and with the intention of blessing and pleasing the god of my soul.

My gifts are of vision and reading, I hear guides and I am very, very good at seeing where people are stuck. I have hidden my gifts from the world much of my life, now I find it to be the most amazing experience to truly be able to help people.

That's why I read cards and do intuitive life coaching. It is my greatest desire, not to read for you once, but to start a relationship where you allow me to walk with you on your spiritual journey. I am deeply blessed by those who do and profoundly grateful for the experience.

If you'd be interested in me doing a reading for you, please visit my website to peruse the offerings for what may fit you best.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Free Mini Love Reading

As a woman and romance novelist, I know for some of us, matters of the heart rule our worlds. Today I want to maybe give you a breath of fresh air with a quick mini-reading on your love life.

Remember, cards aren't science, nothing you read here should ever be taken as medical advice or the bottom line what you should do. Read the cards with a heart open to hear god and your guides and always follow your gut instincts in every situation.

When it comes to love and romance, there are no real rules, although I will say this... you are a beautiful soul that deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, if that is not present in your relationship, then I don't care who they are, you need to set solid lines and communicate the unacceptability of that situation to your partner. If they still don't treat you as you deserve, then you need to shut that door, something better awaits you.

In all things, self love is the beginning. Always be fostering that within yourself and then pour that love out on the universe, it will respond in kind.

If you'd like a more directed reading into your love life, or any topic really, please visit the readings page to see how I work.

Now, for this reading ~

Think about your romantic life and decide what one question you want the answer for. Then look at the cards and see if you can connect with your god-voice to choose the one with the message most relevant to your question.

Once you have your card, click the "read more" link for the answers.

This reading is done using the Doreen Virtue Romance Angels Oracle deck and you can get more info on that here.

1. Retreat – It’s time to disconnect from the world

The Romance Angels see that your romance blossoms when you spend time alone, either with your partner or with yourself. It appears that you’ve become confused or conflicted by other people’s advice. It’s time for you to disconnect so you can better hear your own feelings and opinions.

If you are in a partnership, spending time together apart from others will renew your commitment and take it to the next level.

If you are currently single, this card guides you to spend time by yourself, meditating on your true feelings or thoughts. Be sure to take action on any intuitive guidance.

2. Religious Factors – Your love life is influenced by your religious upbringing and spiritual path.

This card reveals that religion and spirituality are subtle but important factors in your love life. Perhaps you are seeking a partner who shares your spiritual beliefs. If so this card comes to you as guidance to seek your new partner at the church, temple or meeting place associated with your faith.

If you are currently with a partner who isn’t spiritually minded, or whose beliefs differ markedly from your own, you may feel dissatisfied.

The Romance Angels are helping you address this issue and they ask you to remain true to yourself during this process.

The angels remind you that your partner (like everyone) is a holy child of god. Everyone is spiritual in truth, because everyone is spirit and your affirmation, prayers and visualizations can have a positive influence on the relationship.

3. Reconciliation – Someone from your past is returning to your life.

This card indicates that an ex-lover may be reentering your life. The first person you think of will be likely who it will be.  The purpose of this reconciliation is to achieve healing and closure with respect to your past. You will understand more about yourself and see your relationship patterns more clearly. You’ll also take responsibility for the role you played in the relationship’s drama, which will free you from the tyranny of unforgiveness.

Reconciliations are ultimately about taking care of unfinished business. Each relationship is a sacred learning experience so be open to this reunion’s lessons and blessings.

Ultimately all healings help your love life and every other part of your world.

4. Healing Family Issues – Your love life benefits as you forgive your parents.

The answers to your prayers about your love life are based in your feelings about your mother and father. The Romance Angels see that you’d benefit from releasing old anger towards one or both of them.

You can ask the angels to help you put forgiveness into action. To forgive someone doesn’t mean you are endorsing their behavior . The angels will tell you, rather, that doing so is a form of deep emotional detoxification.

When you find inner peace with your parents, you’ll no longer need to attract unhealthy relationship patterns or partners as a way of healing emotional family wounds.

5. Passion – Allow your heart and soul to sing with joy!

Your prayers for great love have been heard and answered, and it all begins with you. You have the power to revive passion in your life. This card guides you to seek that which brings you joy, such as a hobby, cause or special activity. Anything that stirs your heart with joy will cause passion to bubble forth and flow into your romantic life.

The Romance Angels say that having a passion for life itself is a requisite foundation for feeling passion in your love life.

If you are presently single you can definitely enjoy passion in your activities and hobbies and such pursuits could bring a partner into your life who shares your passions!

6. New Love – A person has stirred your romantic feelings.

The Romance Angels have sent you this card like a Valentine greeting, signaling the introduction of someone new in your love life! This card validates that your connection was mutual and real. It is safe for you to explore it and the Romance Angels will guide your actions accordingly.

This card can also mean that you’ll soon meet a new person. In these cases the Romance Angels are asking you to keep the faith that love is in your cards. You deserve love and you are loveable!

7. Romantic Feelings – Your feelings are real and worth exploring.

The stirrings within your heart represent the song of romance calling you. This card comes to you as a guidance to follow the pathway of those feelings. Perhaps you’ve met someone and your wondering whether to pursue them. This card says the answer is yes.

If you’ve recently been longing for more romance in your life, this card is a signal to take charge of making that happen. The more you affirm “I am romantically loved”, the more you attract this condition within yourself and through a relationship.

In some cases you’ll receive this card as a signal that you are ready for a new relationship. It then guides you to be aware of people you meet and the presence of potential partners.

8. Playfulness – To recapture romance, allow your inner youthful spirit of fun to shine!

The angels want to help you fall back in love with life again by guiding you to enjoy yourself. Playfulness is a good investment of your time, as it will renew your energy levels and elevate your mood.

Playtime is essential within a relationship too, to keep the free-spirited component of dating alive.

Remember play doesn’t have to cost you anything, just take a walk in the park and soak up the enjoyment of those around you. Indulge in a hobby or activity you love, but just make the time to let the cares of the world down, and play again.

9. Pay Attention to the red flags. – The signs are cautioning you.

The Romance Angels sent you this card to help you notice the unhealthy or disconcerting parts of your relationship. If you are swept up in a new romance, this card serves as a cautionary warning. Pay attention to your feelings and impressions with regards to this new suitor. Don’t let emotion blind you to characteristics or habits that won’t work for you in a relationship.

If you are in an existing relationship, these red flags may signal the need for an honest mutual discussion, or even couples counseling.

This card doesn’t necessarily guide you to leave a relationship, but it does caution you to listen to your gut feelings and don’t override them. The angels will help you to take the steps that are healthy for everyone involved.

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